----cells_by_motifs.txt: contains aggregated motif scores for cells and has following columns: filter: filter name that their PWM was used to scan the accessible sites using TomTom cell: cell barcode motif score: the total number of sites that had this matched this PWM total motifs: total number of motifs detected in all the accessible sites for this cell motif activity: shows the relative frequency of this motif relative with all the motifs scored for this cell (motif score/total motifs) ----cells_by_motifs.rds: the same as cells_by_motifs.txt but compressed to be loaded easily in R using readRDS. ----filter_sd_mean.txt: contains information content (ic), mean, and standard deviation(std) for the filter activity over the test data. ----filter_influences.txt: contains filter influence (infl) for each filter for each cluster (cluster and subset_cluster) ----filters_meme.txt: contains PWMs for all the first layer filters in the trained CNN ----train_test_data.h5: train and test data used to train and test the CNN in the hdf5 format ----tomtom_hits.txt: contains filters matched to known motifs using TomTom with value < 0.1 and has following columns: #Query ID: filter name Target ID: motif name in Hocomoco database other columns are the default outputs in meme and are explained here http://meme-suite.org/doc/tomtom.html?man_type=web: Optimal offset: the offset between the query and the target motif Overlap: the number of positions of overlap between the two motifs. Query consensus sequence. Target consensus sequence. Orientation: Orientation of target motif with respect to query motif. ----training_params.txt: parameters used to train the CNN using Basset framework ----trained_model.th: CNN model trained using Basset framework