********************************************************************* * LD Score Regression (LDSC) * Version 1.0.0 * (C) 2014-2015 Brendan Bulik-Sullivan and Hilary Finucane * Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard / MIT Department of Mathematics * GNU General Public License v3 ********************************************************************* Call: ./ldsc.py \ --print-snps /net/gs/vol1/home/ajh24/bin/ldsc/hapmap3_snps/hm.10.snp \ --ld-wind-cm 1.0 \ --out all_da_open_results/train_models/clusters_22-cluster_1.10 \ --bfile /net/gs/vol1/home/ajh24/bin/ldsc/1000G_EUR_Phase3_plink/1000G.EUR.QC.10 \ --annot all_da_open_results/train_models/clusters_22-cluster_1.10.annot.gz \ --l2 Beginning analysis at Tue Oct 31 21:10:31 2017 Read list of 510501 SNPs from /net/gs/vol1/home/ajh24/bin/ldsc/1000G_EUR_Phase3_plink/1000G.EUR.QC.10.bim Read 1 annotations for 510501 SNPs from all_da_open_results/train_models/clusters_22-cluster_1.10.annot.gz Read list of 489 individuals from /net/gs/vol1/home/ajh24/bin/ldsc/1000G_EUR_Phase3_plink/1000G.EUR.QC.10.fam Reading genotypes from /net/gs/vol1/home/ajh24/bin/ldsc/1000G_EUR_Phase3_plink/1000G.EUR.QC.10.bed Estimating LD Score. Reading list of 73929 SNPs for which to print LD Scores from /net/gs/vol1/home/ajh24/bin/ldsc/hapmap3_snps/hm.10.snp After merging with --print-snps, LD Scores for 64236 SNPs will be printed. Writing LD Scores for 64236 SNPs to all_da_open_results/train_models/clusters_22-cluster_1.10.l2.ldscore.gz Summary of LD Scores in all_da_open_results/train_models/clusters_22-cluster_1.10.l2.ldscore.gz MAF L2 mean 0.2316 0.1392 std 0.1438 0.4793 min 0.0051 -0.0667 25% 0.1053 0.0000 50% 0.2188 0.0019 75% 0.3538 0.0544 max 0.5000 11.7639 MAF/LD Score Correlation Matrix MAF L2 MAF 1.0000 0.0424 L2 0.0424 1.0000 Annotation Correlation Matrix SPECIFIC_PEAK_INTERSECT SPECIFIC_PEAK_INTERSECT 1.0 Annotation Matrix Column Sums SPECIFIC_PEAK_INTERSECT 810 Summary of Annotation Matrix Row Sums count 510501.0000 mean 0.0016 std 0.0398 min 0.0000 25% 0.0000 50% 0.0000 75% 0.0000 max 1.0000 Analysis finished at Tue Oct 31 22:18:07 2017 Total time elapsed: 1.0h:7.0m:36.47s