


Simeonov Kamen Simeonov
Postdoctoral Fellow (joint w/ Lengner Lab)
2022 - 2025
Current: Assistant Professor, Fred Hutch Cancer Center
Regalado Sam Regalado
MD-PhD Student (GS) (joint w/ Trapnell Lab)
2016 - 2024
Dissertation: "Scalable methods for genomic analysis of in vitro models of mammalian embryogenesis " (defended January 18, 2024)
Current: Medical Student



Lalanne Jean-Benoît Lalanne
Postdoctoral Fellow
2020 - 2024
Current: Assistant Professor, Universite de Montreal
Taylor Megan Taylor
Research Scientist
2019 - 2024
Current: Graduate Student, Department of Genome Sciences, UW



browning Kina Atkin-Yamaguchi
Lab Assistant
2023 - 2024
Current: Lab Manager,Calderon Lab, UCSF
choi Junhong Choi
Postdoctoral Fellow
2019 - 2024
Current: Principal Investigator, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center



Srivatsan Sanjay Srivatsan
Postdoctoral Fellow
2021 - 2023
Current: Assistant Professor, Basic Science, Fred Hutch Cancer Center
chardon Flo Chardon
Graduate Student (GS)
2018 - 2023
Dissertation: "CRISPR-based functional genomics to study gene regulatory architecture and functional consequences of genetic variation" (defended June 30, 2023)
Current: Scientist II, Seattle Hub for Synthetic Biology



Huang Xingfan (Fanny) Huang
Graduate Student (CSE)
2017 - 2023
Dissertation: "Computational methods of high-dimensional datasets derived from molecular profiling of biological systems" (defended January 26, 2023)
Current: Computational Biologist, Calico Life Sciences
Fulton Olivia Fulton
Lab Assistant
2020 - 2023
Current: Medical Assistant, Michigan Advanced Psychiatry





Chen Wei (Will) Chen
Graduate Student (MoIES)
2016 - 2022
Dissertation: "Multiplex molecular recording of biological signals and events" (defended May 25, 2022)
Current: Postdoctoral Fellow, Baker Lab
boulgakov Alexander Boulgakov
Postdoctoral Fellow
2020 - 2022
Current: Scientist, Ansa





Maskell Tish Maskell
Administrative Assistant
2020 - 2022
Tome Jacob Tome
Postdoctoral Fellow
2018 - 2021
Current: Senior Scientist, Shape Therapeutics



leith Anh Leith
Research Scientist
2016 - 2020
Current: Research Scientist, Gilead Sciences, Inc
lopez Sereno Lopez-Darwin
Undergraduate Researcher
2016 - 2020
Current: Graduate Student, Princeton University



cao Junyue (Jun) Cao
Graduate Student (GS)
2015 - 2020
Dissertation: "Cell state and fate characterization by highthroughput single cell genomics" (defended March 11, 2019)
Current: Assistant Professor, Rockefeller University
yin Yi Yin
Postdoctoral Fellow
2016 - 2020
Current: Assistant Professor, Dept of Human Genetics, UCLA



agarwal Vikram Agarwal
Postdoctoral Fellow
2015 - 2019
Current: Head of mRNA Platform Design & Data Science, Sanofi
gasperini Molly Gasperini
Graduate Student (GS)
2015 - 2019
Dissertation: "Efficiently searching for enhancers and their target genes in the human genome" (defended May 15, 2019)
Current: Associate Director, Seattle Hub for Synthetic Biology



hill Andrew Hill
Graduate Student (GS) (joint w/ Trapnell Lab)

2015 - 2019
Dissertation: "Expanding the scope and utility of single-cell genomic technologies" (defended May 1, 2019)
Current: Scientist, Infinimmune
mckenna Aaron McKenna
Postdoctoral Fellow
2013 - 2019
Current: Assistant Professor, Dept of Molecular & Systems Biology, Dartmouth University



kulasekara Bridget Kulasekara
Postdoctoral Fellow
2014 - 2019
Current: Senior Research Scientist, DLMP, University of Washington
pliner Hannah Pliner
Graduate Student (joint w/ Trapnell Lab)

2015 - 2019
Dissertation: "Algorithms for modeling gene regulation and determining cell type using single‐cell molecular profiles" (defended January 14, 2019)
Current: Principal Scientist, Computational Biology and Epigenetics, Bristol Myers Squibb



ramani Vijay Ramani
Graduate Student (GS)
2014 - 2018
Dissertation: "Massively parallel analysis of nucleic acid structure" (defended October 18, 2017)
Current: Assistant Professor, Gladstone Institutes, UCSF
Alexander Jes Alexander
Postdoctoral Fellow
2014 - 2018
Current: Assistant Professor, UCSF



Cusanovich Darren Cusanovich
Postdoctoral Fellow
2014 - 2018
Current: Assistant Professor, University of Arizona
Klein Jason Klein
MD-PhD Student (GS)
2014 - 2018
Dissertation: "Massively Parallel Characterization of Enhancers in Evolution and Disease" (defended May 14, 2018)
Current: Resident Physician, Dermatology, University of Texas



zhang Melissa Zhang
Undergraduate Researcher
2016 - 2017
Current: Operational Analyst, Delos
van Veen Elke van Veen
Visiting Graduate Student
Current: MSCA Postdoctoral Fellow, Human Genetics Nijmegen, Radboudumc



Kircher Martin Kircher
Postdoctoral Fellow
2012 - 2017
Current: Professor of Regulatory Genomics, Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein
Hause Ron Hause
Postdoctoral Fellow
2014 - 2016
Current: Senior Vice President, Head of Analytics and Informatics, Shape Therapeutics



Kumar Akash Kumar
MD-PhD Student (GS)
2010 - 2014
Dissertation: "Mutational Heterogeneity in Cancer: Lessons from the Brain and Prostate" (defended June 5, 2014)
Current: Chief Medical Officer & Cofounder, MyOme
Snyder Matthew Snyder
Graduate Student (GS)
2012 - 2016
Dissertation: "Expanding the accuracy, resolution, and breadth of cell-free DNA investigation" (defended March 11, 2016)
Current: Research Scientist, Brotman Baty Institute for Precision Medicine



Roach David Roach
Medical Student / HHMI Medical Research Fellow
2012 - 2015
Current: Postdoctoral Fellow, Bhattacharyya Lab, Broad Institute
saha Monica Saha
Undergraduate Researcher
2014 & 2015
Current: ED Pharmacist, Providence-Swedish



Burton Joshua Burton
Graduate Student (GS)
2011 - 2014
Dissertation: "New methods for de novo assembly of genomes and metagenomes" (defended December 2, 2014)
Current: Associate Director, Natera



Adey Andrew Adey
Graduate Student (MCB)
2010 - 2014
Dissertation: "Comprehensive, precision genomics" (defended February 28, 2014)
Current: Professor, Dept of Molecular & Medical Genetics, OHSU
Salipante Steve Salipante
Postdoctoral Fellow (joint w/ Lab Medicine)
2011 - 2014
Current: Professor, University of Washington



Kitzman Jacob Kitzman
Graduate Student (GS)
2009 - 2014
Dissertation: "New technologies for sequencing and interpreting genomes" (defended June 18, 2013)
Current: Associate Professor, Department of Genetics, University of Michigan
Hiatt Joseph Hiatt
MD-PhD Student (GS)
2009 - 2012
Dissertation: "Molecular tagging to overcome limitations of massively parallel sequencing" (defended September 5, 2012)
Current: Director, Bristol Myers Squibb



O'Roak Brian O'Roak
Postdoctoral Fellow (joint w/ Eichler Lab)
2009 - 2013
Current: Professor, Department of Molecular & Medical Genetics, Oregon Health & Science University
Schwartz Jerrod Schwartz
Postdoctoral Fellow
2009 - 2013
Current: Vice President, Advanced Technology, ChromaCode, Inc.



Patwardhan Rupali Patwardhan
Graduate Student (GS)
2008 - 2012
Dissertation: "Massively parallel functional dissection of regulatory elements" (defended July 31, 2012)
Current: Software Engineer, Facebook
Turner Emily Turner
Postdoctoral Fellow
2007 - 2013
Current: Senior Program Officer, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation



Riley Keri Riley
Undergraduate Researcher
2010 - 2012
Felker Lindsay Felker
Research Scientist
2010 - 2011



Other Alumni: Kaimana Moraes (Undergraduate (Columbia University), Summer 2023), Melissa Phung (Undergraduate (CWRU), Summer 2021-2022), Amira Ellison (Undergraduate (Penn State University), Summer 2021), Kaitlin Beel (Undergraduate (UW),2020), Taylor Real (Undergraduate (UC Santa Cruz), Summer 2019), Tanvi Reddy (Volunteer (Roosevelt High School), Summer 2018), Rajiv McCoy (Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow, 2017-18), Nikhil Patkar (Visiting Scientist, 2016-2017), Elizabeth Aguilar (Undergrad (DePauw), Summer 2017), Joseph Sayad (Undergrad (Hunter), Summer 2017), Meara Davies (Graduate Researcher, 2012-2013), Chris Lambert (Undergraduate (UW), 2011-2011), Monica Mascarenas (Undergraduate (UNM), Summer 2010), Amy Olson (Undergraduate (UW), 2008-2009), Steven Cazales (Undergraduate (UW), GenOM Project, Summer 2008), Steven Flygare (Undergraduate (BYU), Amgen Scholars, Summer 2008)

Past Rotation Students: Kristian Choate (MCB, Fall, 2024), Ariana Farrell (MCB, Fall, 2024), Yufei (Nancy) Gao (Bioe, Winter, 2024), Lucas Kerr (GS, Summer, 2023), Elliott Swanson (GS, Spring, 2022), Syd Sattler (GS, Winter 2022), Yuzhen Liu (GS, Spring 2020), Conor Camplisson (GS, Winter 2020), Andrew Mullen (MSTP, Summer 2019), Shawn Fayer (GS, Spring 2019), James Anderson (MCB, Winter 2019), Eliza Barkan (MCB, Fall 2018), Michael Goldberg (GS, Spring 2018), Philip Dishuk (GS, Winter 2017), Will DeWitt (GS, Fall 2017), Bingjie Wang (MSTP, Summer 2017), Joseph Janizek (MSTP, Summer 2017), April Lo (GS, Spring 2017), Ian Smith (GS, 2017), Eliah Overbey (GS, Spring 2016), Aakash Sur (BMI, Fall 2015), Serena Liu (GS, Spring 2015), Damon May (GS, Winter 2015), Hugh Haddox (MCB, Spring 2013), Elyse Hope (GS, Winter 2012), Jorgen Nelson (GS, Winter 2012), Jenny Wagner (GS, Winter 2011), Jost Burton (GS, Winter 2011), Meara Davies (MCB, Fall 2011), David Young (MSTP, Summer 2009), Keisha Carlson (GS, Winter 2009), Jarret Egerston (GS, Winter 2009), Matthew Maurano (GS, Fall 2008), Sayer Herrin (GS, Winter 2008)